Appreciating The Individual
Empowerment comes from a sense of appreciation and accomplishment. Alongside our non-profit partners, COS has implemented a number of programs to celebrate our children at an individual level and provide them with life-enriching, confidence-building activities.

Birthday Bunch
Launched in 2008, the Birthday Bunch Program serves all five of our partner shelters. The Birthday Bunch Program supplies birthday cakes, activity tickets to a local museum, and other favors for children to allow them to celebrate their special day. Our Board Members personally bring cakes and books to the children and the entire shelter community comes together to wish these children a Happy Birthday.

Summer Camps
Children of Shelters partners with a variety of organizations across the city to keep our children active during the summer through summer camps. This support critically allows care takers to maintain employment and alleviates the concern for summer childcare while children are out of school.

Each year in December, Children of Shelters hosts our annual SantaFest Holiday Dinner, inviting all families enrolled with our partners to enjoy a festive holiday meal and celebration. With wonderful partners, children engage in fun arts & craft activities, LEGOS, and more!

Art Therapy
Children of Shelters supports a variety of art programs inside family shelters in order to allow children to creatively express themselves.

Music Classes
Children of Shelters is committed to increasing access to musical learning through our partnership with Blue Bear Music and enrolling children in different music lessons throughout the year.